Duits Engels Nederlands
Dust-free rehydration of dry substances in liquids - 01-11-2016
Dust-free rehydration of dry substances in liquids
Dust-free rehydration of dry substances in liquids
Dust-free rehydration of dry substances in liquids
Dust-free rehydration of dry substances in liquids

Typhoon has developed a system for the dust-free absorption of powders that are directly dispersed or suspended in a liquid. This prevents lumps from forming in the powders before they are rehydrated.

An inlet tube is fitted to the stirring shaft, which ends in the stirring element. The standard stirring element that is already highly suitable for rehydrating dry substances is crucial in this regard. On the one hand the element creates an effective flow pattern in the reservoir, creating an effective homogeneous product, and on the other hand it creates a sub-pressure that ensures the product is sucked up through the inlet tube and absorbed directly into the liquid.

The assembly flange is fitted with a suction pipe for drawing in the product that is to be added. This pipe runs parallel along the stirring shaft/inlet tube and has an opening at the bottom, so that the powder is only absorbed at the last moment.

There are a number of benefits to this system: all the mechanical parts of the stirrers are easy to clean as there is no mechanical seal, and no bearings or limiters are used around the axle; the system is maintenance-free and suitable for powders and aerosols. Furthermore, significantly less valuable product is spilt.

Typhoon has successfully used this system for various customers.